Converting query results to JSON

In my post about dynamic SQL I showed how PostgreSQL’s query_to_xml() could be used to run dynamic SQL and process the result in a regular SQL query.

If you prefer to deal with JSON, rather than XML, it’s quite easy to write a corresponding query_to_jsonb() function.

create or replace function query_to_jsonb(p_query text, p_include_nulls boolean default false)
  returns jsonb
  l_sql text;
  l_result jsonb;
  l_sql := 'select jsonb_agg(';
  if p_include_nulls then 
    l_sql := l_sql || 'jsonb_strip_nulls(';
  end if;
  l_sql := l_sql || 'to_jsonb(t)';
  if p_include_nulls then 
    l_sql := l_sql || ')';
  end if;
  l_sql := l_sql || ') from (' || p_query || ') t';
  execute l_sql 
    into l_result;
  return l_result;
language plpgsql;

This makes the example query to return the row count for every table a lot easier to read:

select schemaname, tablename, 
       (query_to_jsonb(format('select count(*) as cnt from %I.%I', schemaname, tablename), false) -> 0 ->> 'cnt')::int
from pg_catalog.pg_tables
where schemaname = 'public'