Unpivot with Postgres

Sometimes it’s necessary to normalize de-normalized tables - the opposite of a “crosstab” or “pivot” operation. Postgres does not support an UNPIVOT operator like Oracle or SQL Server, but simulating it, is very simple.

Take the following table that stores aggregated values per quarter:

create table customer_turnover
  customer_id   integer,
  q1            integer,
  q2            integer,
  q3            integer,
  q4            integer

And the following sample data:

customer_id | q1  | q2  | q3  | q4 
          1 | 100 | 210 | 203 | 304
          2 | 150 | 118 | 422 | 257
          3 | 220 | 311 | 271 | 269

But we want the quarters to be rows (as they should be in a normalized data model).

In Oracle or SQL Server this could be achieved with the UNPIVOT operator, but that is not available in Postgres. However Postgres’ ability to use the VALUES clause like a table makes this actually quite easy:

select c.customer_id, t.*
from customer_turnover c
  cross join lateral (
       (c.q1, 'Q1'),
       (c.q2, 'Q2'),
       (c.q3, 'Q3'),
       (c.q4, 'Q4')
  ) as t(turnover, quarter)
order by customer_id, quarter;

will return the following result:

customer_id | turnover | quarter
          1 |      100 | Q1     
          1 |      210 | Q2     
          1 |      203 | Q3     
          1 |      304 | Q4     
          2 |      150 | Q1     
          2 |      118 | Q2     
          2 |      422 | Q3     
          2 |      257 | Q4     
          3 |      220 | Q1     
          3 |      311 | Q2     
          3 |      271 | Q3     
          3 |      269 | Q4     

The equivalent query with the standard UNPIVOT operator would be:

select customer_id, turnover, quarter
from customer_turnover c
  UNPIVOT (turnover for quarter in (q1 as 'Q1', 
                                    q2 as 'Q2', 
                                    q3 as 'Q3',
                                    q4 as 'Q4'))
order by customer_id, quarter;